
We totally blog! Just when we thought blogs were outdated and uncool, we realized that we don’t care! Longform writing has always been fun for us and we believe it is our responsibility to populate the interwebs with our knowledge and our joy!

I don’t have time for behavior…

I don’t have time for behavior…

"I don't have time for behavior." This is a phrase I heard often as a behavior specialist. Behavioral issues can take up a lot of instructional time, and the truth of the matter is that classroom management systems take time to implement. So, at times, it feels like...

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Thank you, Teachers!

Thank you, Teachers!

The title “teacher” means a lot to me. My mom and dad were both life long educators. My mom taught English for over 40 years. Seriously. Think about that for a second. Some of my earliest memories were playing in her classroom and snooping around all her amazing...

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The Mid-Year Doldrums and Ingrown Hairs

The Mid-Year Doldrums and Ingrown Hairs

It all started just 5 days ago. I’m sitting at a table conducting a psych eval, and I feel a little bump on my chin. I knew immediately what it was. An ingrown hair. Look, I promised my daughter I wouldn’t overshare about this because it grosses her out…like most...

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Are Our Kids Safe?

Are Our Kids Safe?

Yesterday morning was particularly beautiful as the sun broke upon the Wasatch mountains. The frigid February air brought a sharpness to the cool hues of blue, purple, and pink outside my bedroom window. With the painful reality of a recent school shooting in Florida...

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School Shootings and The Trolley Dilemma

School Shootings and The Trolley Dilemma

No one really knows when the first version of “The Trolley Dilemma” appeared in text or college courses in ethics and psychology. Though some trace it back to the turn of the 20th century, in the 1960’s, Phillipa Foot  is credited with the most widely recognized...

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Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.