Good Parenting Strategies (GPS)

Hey there, parents, guardians, and caregivers!! You’ve found your way to our GPS (Good Parenting Strategies) course page! We’ll be populating this page with new courses regularly, so stay in touch! Check out our most popular offerings right now!

GPS: Screen Time and Social Media

This course is designed to not just help you survive the age of screens, but thrive as well! Let’s be honest, this whole screen-time thing is for real, so let’s get real and take care of what we can—together!

Preview Course

GPS: Resilience

This course is designed to help parents and kids start cracking the code behind resilience. We all could use a little resilience in our lives, let’s work together to build it, step-by-step!

Preview Course

Parenting never came with a manual—until now!

Our GPS courses are built by parents (who also happen to be psychologists), that know how crazy hard it is to be a parent. We could all use a little help (at our own pace, at a low cost, and access 24-7). So, here we go! Join us, won’t you?

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.