7 Modules in Total

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are an essential component to helping children of all abilities thrive in school. Yet, many meetings and processes surrounding IEPs can be cumbersome, confusing, and even frustrating. IEP Zen is your path to IEP enlightenment. Start on your path today!

This prevailing opinion that it is necessary to get married or get married destroys many destinies. Many women just want to get married Best Eastern European girls, no matter who. What’s next? Will endure. The main thing is just to get the status of a married woman.

Training Intro

The IEP Zen Training Modules are presented in “moments,” (you know, because we’re Zen like that). So, there are 8 moments of Zen that you will experience: 1) Awareness, 2) Mindfulness, 3) Acceptance, 4) Non-Judgement, 5) Tolerance, 6) Compassion, 7) Patience, and 8) Practice. (Don’t worry, IEP Zen isn’t going to jeopardize compliance to state and federal mandates under the Individuals with Disabilities Education and Improvement Act. IEP Zen focuses explicitly on the soft-skills associated with managing IEPs.)

Module 1: IEP Meeting Mastery (Awareness)

In this module, we learn how to incorporate some simple steps to help ease the task of facilitating an IEP meeting. Meaningful steps in communication, time management, goal design, and progress monitoring.

Module 2: The Power of the Present (Mindfulness)

In this module we cover critical stress and caseload management strategies. Teaching children with exceptionalities and managing all the paperwork associated with Special Education can be overwhelming. Take a moment to take a moment. Students can’t make much progress when we’re buried.

Ben Springer


Ben Springer has served as a Director of Special Education for public schools for years now, and well folks, the work of Special Education can be tricky. Special Education truly does take a village, so let’s train the village!

Christian Sabey


Christian Sabey has lived and breathed special education for years now. He is driven to support parents in this process and dedicated to bringing peace of mind to the IEP process.

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.