Online Professional Development with Heart and Humor

Enroll in any (or all) of our online courses to access high-quality professional learning in multiple areas: Managing Aggressive Student Behavior, Classroom Management, Bullying Prevention, Coping and Social Skills Curriculum, Special Education, and Paraprofessional Training.

Happy Kids Don’t Punch You in the Face.

Modern day educators deserve modern-day approaches to managing aggressive behavior.

Our revolutionary ASPEN program prepares your team to safely prevent and respond to student aggression.


Prepare to enjoy your job again. Manage your classroom like a pro. Happy Class delivers ready-to-use tools that not only work, but bring a smile to your face, too!


Happy kids don’t punch you in the face. Our revolutionary program prepares your team to safely deal with student aggression.


Know the child, know the plan. IEP Zen is a resource for special educators, LEAs, and parents involved in the IEP Process.


Move beyond the hallway poster campaign. Resiliency training, community outreach, and authentic reporting at your fingertips. It’s an inspiring program that is set on improving student life.


Comic Books teaching Coping Skills. Ready to use strategies for the “now” and the “later” of a behavioral outburst.


Basic training for the frontlines. The essential skills for paraprofessionals working in the school setting.

Build sustainability in your school today with our Train-the-Trainer packages.

Each Totem PD program can be delivered in a Train-the-Trainer model where faculty and staff from your district/school become certified trainers in-house! Your trainers keep tabs with us, we keep the content flowing to your district. It’s that simple.

The DNA of our ASPEN Training Program–in a book!

Your Guide to Eliminating Aggressive Behavior in School

Our very own Dr. Springer has joined forces with Corwin/SAGE to tackle a challenging topic with humor and compassion. Get your copy now!

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.

Brian King, Jordan School District

ASPEN has been the game-changer we have been looking for in our district. We are building a culture of safety and optimism with ASPEN at the root of it all.

Janet Hansen, The Ranches Academy

Our Tier 1 classroom management has never looked so good. Everything you hear is true: Happy teachers = Happy Class. Everyone needs this training.

Deb Fenton, Oakcrest Elementary School

Too often behavior plans fail to include plans for when things cool down. Our students need ongoing instruction in coping skills and Chillax is the only program that delivers.

Cade Charlton, Brigham Young University

We train future special educators and we train them in IEP Zen.